Quick question...

On the server side, where you create the fault, are you doing:

throw new 

throw new IncorrectProjectIdsException("IncorrectProjectIdsException...",
"Detail string");

I think there is an issue if the detail is null.   I'm looking into that 


On Tuesday 23 October 2007, Piotr PiBis Berlowski wrote:
> Hi, and thank you for your interest.
> Regretfully, 2.0.3 does not work either. However, the problem appears
> to be just a top of an iceberg. To be specific - we are naver able to
> tell if an exception is gonna work or not. We have not found any rule
> in that yet. Only rule is that when a wsdl is big, and has lots of
> operations and lots of exceptions, some of them will not work for
> sure.
> I attach the full wsdl, which causes the problem.
> There is no apparent difference between neither wsdl nor the generated
> classes for the exceptions that do work and that don't work. We are
> currently working on catching the soap messages and checking if the
> problem occurs on the client or on the server side.
> Best regards,
> Piotr Berlowski
> > Any chance you could try the latest 2.0.3 SNAPSHOT?
> >
> > I just tried with trunk and this worked fine.
> >
> > Server code:
> >     public void removeXtmProjects(java.util.List<java.lang.String>
> > projectIds) throws IncorrectProjectIdsException    {
> >         throw new IncorrectProjectIdsException("Exception on
> > server", projectIds.get(0));
> >     }
> >
> > Client code:
> >         java.util.List<java.lang.String>
> > _removeXtmProjects_projectIds = new ArrayList<String>();
> >         _removeXtmProjects_projectIds.add("hello");
> >         try {
> >             port.removeXtmProjects(_removeXtmProjects_projectIds);
> >
> >         } catch (IncorrectProjectIdsException e) {
> >             System.out.println("Expected exception:
> > IncorrectProjectIdsException has occurred.");
> >             System.out.println(e.toString());
> >             System.out.println(e.getFaultInfo());
> >         }
> >
> >
> > What got printed out:
> > Expected exception: IncorrectProjectIdsException has occurred.
> > com.xmlintl.webservice.integration.IncorrectProjectIdsException:
> > Exception on server
> > hello
> >
> >
> > Thus, it looks like it's fixed.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> > On Monday 22 October 2007, Piotr PiBis Berlowski wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>    We consider this issue to be a huge blocker for a major project.
> >> When a user-defined exception is thrown by the server, a client
> >> receives a SOAPExceptionFault (with the message that belonged to
> >> the user-defined exception). CXF version is 2.0.2. You can find
> >> generated exception class, exception details class and relevant
> >> parts od wsdl attached to this message.
> >>
> >> If any more information is required, I will be more than happy to
> >> post it. We are really stuck with this!
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance, and best regards!

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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