Hi ,

I write a  simple test with your case.
The services are all published :)

Please see the below code.
public class JettyServer {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   org.mortbay.jetty.Server httpServer = new Server(9000);

       ContextHandlerCollection contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection();
Context root = new Context(contexts,"/",Context.SESSIONS); CXFServlet cxf = new CXFServlet();
       ServletHolder servlet = new ServletHolder(cxf);
       root.addServlet(servlet, "/soap/*");
       Bus bus = cxf.getBus();
       // register service
       String uri = "/" +GreeterImpl.class.getSimpleName();
Endpoint.publish(uri, new GreeterImpl());
       Endpoint.publish("/hello", new HelloImpl());



Miguel De Anda wrote:
I tried that and nothing changed. I tried moving that block to after the jetty server is running and it doesn't make that much of a difference.

Should I be worried that I have to use a full url as the first parameter to Endpoint.publish? In the example I saw, it only had the path.

On Thursday 25 October 2007, Willem2 wrote:

You need to use the bus of the CXFServlet. You could use the CXF Servlet
transport with this bus.
Please add the below code just  before Endpoint.publish(...)

Bus bus = cxf.getBus();


Miguel De Anda-2 wrote:
i've got an application (my server) that launches its own jetty server
for sending files to external nodes. they currently talk to each other
using simple xml passed in as a post request and in the response. the
external nodes don't run a web server of any kind.

i now need to add a soap interface on my server but can't figure out how.
is how my jetty server is started:

ServletHolder servlet;
org.mortbay.jetty.Server jettyServer =
        new org.mortbay.jetty.Server(PORT);
Context root = new Context(jettyServer, "/", Context.SESSIONS);
servlet = new ServletHolder(someServlet);
root.addServlet(servlet, "/*");
CXFServlet cxf = new CXFServlet();
servlet = new ServletHolder(cxf);
root.addServlet(servlet, "/soap/*");
HelloWorld hw = new HelloWorldImpl();
Endpoint.publish("/soap/HelloWorld", hw);

package a.b.c;
import javax.jws.WebService;
public interface HelloWorld {
        String sayHi(String text);
import javax.jws.WebService;
@WebService(endpointInterface = "a.b.c.HelloWorld")
public class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld {
        public String sayHi(String text) {
                return "The interesting question becomes is what is soap?";

i got errors ranging from a null pointer exception when i went to
http://localhost:PORT/soap/ to "/soap/HelloWorld" not being a valid url
the line Endpoint.publish). i had to set a full url there, when i
used "http://localhost:PORT/soap/HelloWorld"; it told me that the port was
being used, so i figured its launching its own internal instance of jetty
whatever it uses). i then replaced the port to some 8087 and it almost
but i get a "<faultstring>No such operation: </faultstring>" message when
viewing http://localhost:8087/soap/HelloWorld

i would really like to be able to use the same jetty server, and be able
give access to my existing objects in my application. i'm using spring to
load up an object that has all of my configuration settings but not in
the same way you would in a typical web app that runs on a webserver. the
customer currently has access to that spring config file and it would be
wrong to give them access (or force them to configure) the soap services.

in other words, my app is launched this way:
public static void main(...) {
  Resource resource = new FileSystemResource(config);
  BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resource);
  Config config = (Config)factory.getBean(bean);

Actual error messages:
(using /soap/... in publish line)
Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: /soap/HelloWorld
        at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:567)
        at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:464)
        at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:413)
Destination.java:87) at
nation(JettyHTTPTransportFactory.java:96) at
ion(JettyHTTPTransportFactory.java:83) at
portFactory.java:74) at
        at org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl.<init>(ServerImpl.java:69)
08) ... 8 more

(using http://...:PORT/ in publish line)
Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Address already in use
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(PlainSocketImpl.java:359)


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