I'd like to bump the question posed a few weeks ago by Nalyd (see
I am attempting to ensure that some additional classes which are not
present in my service interfaces get bound along with the others, a
common problem given a service such as:
public void queue(Job job);
where there exists the following classes:
public class BigJob extends Job { ... }
public class SmallJob extends Job {...}
In this case, Job will be bound to XML elements, but BigJob and SmallJob
will not.  XFire does support this, documented at
http://xfire.codehaus.org/Aegis+Inheritance.  However, I cannot find a
similar piece of documentation on porting this solution to CXF.  It
seems as if the support is all still there but not necessarily exposed
(see http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/aegis-theory-of-operation.html).  
I have played around with a few things in my Spring configuration, such
as adding something like this to my ServiceFactoryBean:
    <bean id='jaxws-and-aegis-service-factory'
        <property name="properties">
                <entry key="writeXsiType">
                    <value type="java.lang.Boolean">true</value>
                <entry key="overrideTypesList">
This deploys without error, but my WSDL and corresponding stubs do not
include the overridden types.  Any ideas?

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