Can I see your whole web.xml and endpoint configuration file (bean.xml or cxf-servlet.xml)?
I think there must be something wrong with them.
BTW, Can you get the wsdl by removing the disable-address-updates and base-addresses parameters in your web.xml?


Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
I tried this, but I can't seem to hit home on any of these base-addresses:

Regardless, my point was that I still wanted to access the wsdl at the
same url, just without having updated endpoint urls in the wsdl.

2007/11/25, Willem2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
If you set the disable-address-updates , you also need to set the
base-address like http://localhost:8080/myapp
Since CXF servlet will not update the endpoint address with the request url,
you need to specify the base-address to build up a real accessible address
for the endpoint.


Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
Usually, you can access the WSDL of a service by appending ?wsdl to
the endpoint url and end up with something like this:

However, if you add the disable-address-updates init-param to your
CXFServlet in web.xml like this:

        <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>


Then you're no longer able to access the WSDL file at the address above.

Is this correct behaviour? I'de rather like to be able to access the
WSDL regardless of the presence of this init-param.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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