
You have to do couple things in order to run codegen:wsdl2java under the folder which contains the pom.xml You can take a look at the /tools/jdee which is a maven plugin i did for generating the emacs jdee project

How it works?

0. Look at the /tools/jdee/pom.xml, the group id is org.apache.cxf.maven, the artifact id is maven-jdee-plugin
1. mvn install  (install the plugin)
2. Update the ~/.m2/settings.xml, add


3.  cd /trunk

4. mvn jdee:jdee

The first jdee is the middle word in the artifact id, the second jdee is the 
Mojo tools/jdee/src/main/java/org/apache/cxf/maven_plugin/jdee/
See the annotation in the class, the goal is jdee

And, as you see, we have a tools/jdee/src/main/java/org/apache/cxf/maven_plugin/jdee/

Thus you're allow to clean the emacs jdee project with the command

mvn jdee:clean

The wsdl2java Mojo is a little bit different, the groupid is org.apache.cxf, 
you you have to add it into the ~/.m2/settings.xml

And you have to change the artifact id of the codegen plugin from the 
cxf-codegen-plugin to maven-codegen-plugin

And now, you can run
mvn codegen:wsdl2java under the /testutils but that's not working, because 
wsdl2java will ask for the wsdlOption arguments etc.

The best solution i have is to modify the wsdl2java plugin using the CoC 
approach, in this way you don't have to put all the wsdls in your pom
The solution is very similar to the function I added to fAnt[1]

Hope this helps :)




I have another CXF/Maven[1] newbie question--to run wsdl2java using
Maven, what is the plugin prefix for wsdl2java, i.e.,
"mvn ????:wsdl2java" at the command line?  Currently I'm using "mvn
generate-sources" instead which works fine, but would like to see if I
can get it to work using the actual goal name.



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