
I will have a look at it now.


On Dec 4, 2007 7:59 AM, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guillaume,
> I'm deploying a new 2.0.4 SNAPSHOT now.   That version SHOULD work if you
> do:
> Object[] response = client.invoke("GetTeamInfoByCity",
>     "ID", "PASSWORD", "New England");
> Creating the "GetTeamInfoByCity" object and sending that in like your
> code does would require some extra flags and such to be passed into the
> client or for client creation or similar since the CXF default (also the
> default for JAX-WS) is to us an unwrapped style.
> In anycase, if you could verify with 2.0.4, that would be great.
> Dan
> On Monday 03 December 2007, Glen Mazza wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, den 04.12.2007, 01:29 +0800 schrieb tog:
> > > Here is an example that give an exception  with the StrikeIron free
> > > webservice (you just need to register) when using the dynamic
> > > client. Should I raise a JIRA ?
> >
> > Yes, please, and include the code sample below (or link to the email.)
> > No guarantees when it will get fixed, however, as Dan said the
> > non-workaround solution is rather complex.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Glen
> >
> > > Cheers
> > > Guillaume
> > >
> > > import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;
> > > import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic.DynamicClientFactory;
> > > import org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor;
> > > import org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor;
> > > import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
> > > import
> > > org.apache.cxf.transports.http.configuration.HTTPClientPolicy;
> > >
> > > import java.lang.reflect.Field;
> > >
> > >
> > > /**
> > >  * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
> > >  * User: alleon
> > >  * Date: Dec 4, 2007
> > >  * Time: 12:20:04 AM
> > >  * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
> > >  */
> > > public class NFLTeam {
> > >     private Client client = null;
> > >
> > >     void execute(String myURL) throws ClassNotFoundException,
> > > IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchFieldException
> > > { client =
> > > DynamicClientFactory.newInstance().createClient(myURL,
> > > Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
> > >
> > >         client.getOutInterceptors().add(new
> > > LoggingOutInterceptor()); client.getInInterceptors().add(new
> > > LoggingInInterceptor());
> > >
> > >         HTTPConduit conduit = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();
> > >
> > >         HTTPClientPolicy httpClientPolicy = conduit.getClient();
> > >         httpClientPolicy.setAllowChunking(false);
> > >         conduit.setClient(httpClientPolicy);
> > >
> > >         Object obj =
> > > Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass("com.strike
> > >iron.GetTeamInfoByCity").newInstance(); Class clazz = obj.getClass();
> > >         for (Field fi:clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
> > >             System.out.println(fi.getName());
> > >         }
> > >
> > >         Field af = null;
> > >         af = clazz.getDeclaredField("userID");
> > >         af.setAccessible(true);
> > >         af.set(obj, "YOURLOGIN");
> > >
> > >         af = clazz.getDeclaredField("password");
> > >         af.setAccessible(true);
> > >         af.set(obj, "YOURPASSWD");
> > >
> > >         af = clazz.getDeclaredField("city");
> > >         af.setAccessible(true);
> > >         af.set(obj, "New York");
> > >
> > >
> > >         try {
> > >             Object[] response = client.invoke("GetTeamInfoByCity",
> > > obj);
> > >
> > >             // TODO Parse the answer
> > >
> > >         } catch (Exception e) {
> > >             e.printStackTrace();
> > >         }
> > >     }
> > >
> > >     public static void main(String[] args) {
> > >         NFLTeam nflt = new NFLTeam();
> > >         try {
> > >
> > > nflt.execute("http://sdpwsparam.strikeiron.com/sdpNFLTeams?WSDL";); }
> > > catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
> > >             e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch
> > > statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
> > >         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
> > >             e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch
> > > statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
> > >         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
> > >             e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch
> > > statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
> > >         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
> > >             e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch
> > > statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
> > >         }
> > >     }
> > >
> > > }
> > >
> > >
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:44 AM
> > > org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext
> > > prepareRefresh
> > > INFO: Refreshing
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]: display name
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]; startup
> > > date [Tue Dec 04 01:21:44 SGT 2007]; root of context hierarchy
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:44 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-management.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-rm.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-addr.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http-binding.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jms.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-jaxws.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-local.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http-jetty.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-object-binding.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory
> > > registerBeanDefinition
> > > INFO: Overriding bean definition for bean
> > > 'org.apache.cxf.transport.http.ClientOnlyHTTPTransportFactory':
> > > replacing [Root bean: class
> > > [org.apache.cxf.transport.http.ClientOnlyHTTPTransportFactory];
> > > scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=true;
> > > autowireCandidate=true; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0;
> > > factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null;
> > > destroyMethodName=null; defined in class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http.xml]] with [Root bean: class
> > > [org.apache.cxf.transport.http.ClientOnlyHTTPTransportFactory];
> > > scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=true;
> > > autowireCandidate=true; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0;
> > > factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null;
> > > destroyMethodName=null; defined in class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http.xml]]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-policy.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader
> > > loadBeanDefinitions
> > > INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource
> > > [META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-xml.xml]
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext
> > > obtainFreshBeanFactory
> > > INFO: Bean factory for application context
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory
> > >@609c13 Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext$BeanP
> > >ostProcessorChecker postProcessAfterInitialization
> > > INFO: Bean 'org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.Jsr250BeanPostProcessor' is
> > > not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for
> > > example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext$BeanP
> > >ostProcessorChecker postProcessAfterInitialization
> > > INFO: Bean 'org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusExtensionPostProcessor' is
> > > not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for
> > > example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory
> > > preInstantiateSingletons
> > > INFO: Pre-instantiating singletons in
> > > org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory
> > >@609c13: defining beans
> > > [cxf,org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.Jsr250BeanPostProcessor,org.apache.cx
> > >f.bus.spring.BusExtensionPostProcessor,org.apache.cxf.resource.Resour
> > >ceManager,org.apache.cxf.configuration.Configurer,org.apache.cxf.bind
> > >ing.BindingFactoryManager,org.apache.cxf.transport.DestinationFactory
> > >Manager,org.apache.cxf.transport.ConduitInitiatorManager,org.apache.c
> > >xf.wsdl.WSDLManager,org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseManager,org.apache.cxf.
> > >workqueue.WorkQueueManager,org.apache.cxf.buslifecycle.BusLifeCycleMa
> > >nager,org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerRegistry,org.apache.cxf.endpoint.
> > >ServerLifeCycleManager,org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientLifeCycleManager
> > >,org.apache.cxf.transports.http.QueryHandlerRegistry,org.apache.cxf.e
> > >ndpoint.EndpointResolverRegistry,org.apache.cxf.headers.HeaderManager
> > >,org.apache.cxf.catalog.OASISCatalogManager,org.apache.cxf.binding.so
> > >ap.SoapBindingFactory,org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapTransportFactor
> > >y,org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.customEditorConfigurer,org.apache.cxf.m
> > >anagement.jmx.InstrumentationManagerImpl,org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMManag
> > >er,org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.policy.RMPolicyInterceptorProvider,org.apache
> > >.cxf.ws.rm.RMAssertionBuilder,org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.policy.Add
> > >ressingAssertionBuilder,org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.policy.Addressin
> > >gPolicyInterceptorProvider,org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.policy.UsingA
> > >ddressingAssertionBuilder,org.apache.cxf.binding.http.HttpBindingFact
> > >ory,org.apache.cxf.transport.jms.JMSTransportFactory,org.apache.cxf.j
> > >axws.context.WebServiceContextResourceResolver,org.apache.cxf.transpo
> > >rt.local.LocalTransportFactory,org.apache.cxf.transport.http.policy.H
> > >TTPClientAssertionBuilder,org.apache.cxf.transport.http.policy.HTTPSe
> > >rverAssertionBuilder,org.apache.cxf.transport.http.ClientOnlyHTTPTran
> > >sportFactory,org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPTransportFa
> > >ctory,org.apache.cxf.binding.object.ObjectBindingFactory,org.apache.c
> > >xf.transport.http.policy.HTTPClientAssertionBuilder#1,org.apache.cxf.
> > >transport.http.policy.HTTPServerAssertionBuilder#1,org.apache.cxf.ws.
> > >policy.AssertionBuilderRegistry,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.PolicyConsta
> > >nts,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.PolicyInterceptorProviderRegistry,org.ap
> > >ache.cxf.ws.policy.attachment.external.DomainExpressionBuilderRegistr
> > >y,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.attachment.external.EndpointReferenceDomai
> > >nExpressionBuilder,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.PolicyBuilder,org.apache.
> > >cxf.ws.policy.PolicyEngine,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.attachment.wsdl11
> > >.Wsdl11AttachmentPolicyProvider,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.attachment.S
> > >erviceModelPolicyProvider,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.mtom.MTOMAssertion
> > >Builder,org.apache.cxf.ws.policy.mtom.MTOMPolicyInterceptorProvider,o
> > >rg.apache.cxf.binding.xml.XMLBindingFactory]; root of factory
> > > hierarchy
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:45 AM
> > > org.apache.cxf.configuration.spring.ConfigurerImpl <init> INFO:
> > > Could not find the configuration file cxf.xml on the classpath. Dec
> > > 4, 2007 1:21:53 AM
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic.DynamicClientFactory outputDebug
> > > INFO: Created classes: com.strikeiron.ArrayOfNFLTeamInfo,
> > > com.strikeiron.ArrayOfSIWsStatus,
> > > com.strikeiron.ArrayOfServiceInfoRecord,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetAllStatuses,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetAllStatusesResponse,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetAllTeamNicknames,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetAllTeamNicknamesResponse,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetServiceInfo,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetServiceInfoResponse,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCityResponse,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByNickname,
> > > com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByNicknameResponse,
> > > com.strikeiron.NFLTeamInfo, com.strikeiron.NFLTeamOutput,
> > > com.strikeiron.NFLTeamResult, com.strikeiron.ObjectFactory,
> > > com.strikeiron.SILicenseInfo, com.strikeiron.SIServiceInfoResult,
> > > com.strikeiron.SISubscriptionInfo, com.strikeiron.SIWsResult,
> > > com.strikeiron.SIWsStatus, com.strikeiron.ServiceInfoOutput,
> > > com.strikeiron.ServiceInfoRecord, com.strikeiron.ServiceOutput,
> > > com.strikeiron.StatusCodeOutput, com.strikeiron.StatusCodeResult
> > > userID
> > > password
> > > city
> > > Dec 4, 2007 1:21:55 AM org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain
> > > doIntercept INFO: Interceptor has thrown exception, unwinding now
> > > org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Marshalling Error: Instance of
> > > "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is substituting
> > > "java.lang.String", but "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is bound
> > > to an anonymous type. at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshall(JAXBEncoderDecoder.j
> > >ava:187) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.io.DataWriterImpl.write(DataWriterImpl.java:51)
> > > at
> > > org.apache.cxf.interceptor.AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor.writePa
> > >rts(AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor.java:84) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.interceptor.BareOutInterceptor.handleMessage(BareOutI
> > >nterceptor.java:68) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(PhaseIntercep
> > >torChain.java:207) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:254) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:205) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:180) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:200) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:186) at
> > > NFLTeam.execute(NFLTeam.java:54)
> > >     at NFLTeam.main(NFLTeam.java:66)
> > > Caused by: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException
> > >  - with linked exception:
> > > [com.sun.istack.SAXException2: Instance of
> > > "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is substituting
> > > "java.lang.String", but "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is bound
> > > to an anonymous type.] at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write(MarshallerImpl.java
> > >:295) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.marshal(MarshallerImpl.ja
> > >va:221) at
> > > javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractMarshallerImpl.marshal(AbstractMarsha
> > >llerImpl.java:70) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.writeObject(JAXBEncoderDecode
> > >r.java:330) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshall(JAXBEncoderDecoder.j
> > >ava:167) ... 11 more
> > > Caused by: com.sun.istack.SAXException2: Instance of
> > > "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is substituting
> > > "java.lang.String", but "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is bound
> > > to an anonymous type. at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.reportError(XMLSerializer.
> > >java:225) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsXsiType(XMLSerializ
> > >er.java:597) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl$1.serializeBody(Elem
> > >entBeanInfoImpl.java:93) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl$1.serializeBody(Elem
> > >entBeanInfoImpl.java:127) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl.serializeBody(Elemen
> > >tBeanInfoImpl.java:244) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl.serializeRoot(Elemen
> > >tBeanInfoImpl.java:251) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl.serializeRoot(Elemen
> > >tBeanInfoImpl.java:33) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsRoot(XMLSerializer.
> > >java:461) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write(MarshallerImpl.java
> > >:292) ... 15 more
> > > org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Marshalling Error: Instance of
> > > "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is substituting
> > > "java.lang.String", but "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is bound
> > > to an anonymous type. at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshall(JAXBEncoderDecoder.j
> > >ava:187) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.io.DataWriterImpl.write(DataWriterImpl.java:51)
> > > at
> > > org.apache.cxf.interceptor.AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor.writePa
> > >rts(AbstractOutDatabindingInterceptor.java:84) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.interceptor.BareOutInterceptor.handleMessage(BareOutI
> > >nterceptor.java:68) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(PhaseIntercep
> > >torChain.java:207) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:254) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:205) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:180) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:200) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ClientImpl.invoke(ClientImpl.java:186) at
> > > NFLTeam.execute(NFLTeam.java:54)
> > >     at NFLTeam.main(NFLTeam.java:66)
> > > Caused by: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException
> > >  - with linked exception:
> > > [com.sun.istack.SAXException2: Instance of
> > > "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is substituting
> > > "java.lang.String", but "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is bound
> > > to an anonymous type.] at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write(MarshallerImpl.java
> > >:295) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.marshal(MarshallerImpl.ja
> > >va:221) at
> > > javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractMarshallerImpl.marshal(AbstractMarsha
> > >llerImpl.java:70) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.writeObject(JAXBEncoderDecode
> > >r.java:330) at
> > > org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshall(JAXBEncoderDecoder.j
> > >ava:167) ... 11 more
> > > Caused by: com.sun.istack.SAXException2: Instance of
> > > "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is substituting
> > > "java.lang.String", but "com.strikeiron.GetTeamInfoByCity" is bound
> > > to an anonymous type. at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.reportError(XMLSerializer.
> > >java:225) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsXsiType(XMLSerializ
> > >er.java:597) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl$1.serializeBody(Elem
> > >entBeanInfoImpl.java:93) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl$1.serializeBody(Elem
> > >entBeanInfoImpl.java:127) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl.serializeBody(Elemen
> > >tBeanInfoImpl.java:244) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl.serializeRoot(Elemen
> > >tBeanInfoImpl.java:251) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.ElementBeanInfoImpl.serializeRoot(Elemen
> > >tBeanInfoImpl.java:33) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsRoot(XMLSerializer.
> > >java:461) at
> > > com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write(MarshallerImpl.java
> > >:292) ... 15 more
> --
> J. Daniel Kulp
> Principal Engineer
> P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194
> http://www.dankulp.com/blog


Best Regards

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