
I've committed a fix to the NPE you encountered earlier today. I could
make a snapshot, but that would be a relatively inefficient process, so
I'm going to harass you a bit first.

I'd like to put two propositions to you for your consideration.

1) Please consider setting up a local build environment. It's really not
that hard. I've done it on Windows. Or, you can even use vmware player
to host some friendly linux for the purpose. That way, I can check in
fixes and you can get them and try them without taking time (and ASF
diskspace) for giant snapshots.

2) Please consider joining me on the CXF effort here at some level of
effort. Your needs, which are entirely reasonable, push beyond my
original imagination when I committed effort to CXF to contribute the
JavaScript generator. I can't help noticing that you work for, well, a
rather larger company than I do. If your group could pitch in simply by
writing more test cases in this area of 'any' processing, it would be a
big help.

I appreciate that you have to make a decision as to whether this entire
approach is the right one for your project. I just wanted to suggest
that some level of contributed effort from your team could pay off in
terms of allowing you to leverage all the other effort at CXF.

I'm by no means washing my hands of the effort to make the project serve
your needs, but I am concerned about how fast we're likely to converge.

Of course, if any of the other readers of this exchange are interested
in joining the effort in this area, that would also be a good thing.


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