Hrm, ok I think I undertand.  For the aegis databinding, do you mean creating 
some sort of aegis.xml for the service to include the type?  I may have fudged 
up an XML annotation as I am not exposing MessageBoard per se, but 
wsMessageBoard .as the anyrype that is held in this case, our wsResponse 
object.  I will look into it in the AM.


From: Benson Margulies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 1/9/2008 6:53 PM
To: Vespa, Anthony J
Cc: Claydon, Barnaby; cxf-user
Subject: Re: JS Generation Progress

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 16:55 -0500, Vespa, Anthony J wrote:
> Hi Benson,
> Well it looks like we made quite a bit of progress today.  We can now
> send requests and they go into the services and behave as they are
> supposed to.  Unfortunately, it looks like the responses are coming back
> as null objects.

There's only one xsi:type in your entire response: the one for the
anyType element. It calls out {}MessageBoard.

That type isn't in your WSDL. You need to add the class corresponding to
that type into the override type list when creating your
AegisDatabinding so that it is in the WSDL, and then the JavaScript will
know what to do with it.

I should work out some way to make it more obvious when this happens,
like a 'throw' or some sort of tombstone you can see.

I know that at one point I threatened, in this case, to just put the DOM
reference into the structure where you could find it for this sort of
thing, but I apparently repented of that idea.

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