Hi Fred,

Yes, making some changes in WSSecEncrypt, EncryptionAction and SignatureAction to process WSEncryptionPart instance allow us to process Signature over EncryptedData elements. Hence, in the message ReferenceList in Signature element refers to the wsu:id of the right EncryptedData element. I tested it with a sample which Encrypts and then Sign a Timestamp.

This helps to process both Action="Signature Encrypt" and Action="Encrypt Signature" configuration options, when both EncryptParts and SignParts are referring to the same element. In context of WS-Security Policy, thus above change make us support "ProtectionOrder - SignBeforeEncrypting and EncryptBeforeSigning".

With Regards,

Mayank Mishra wrote:
Hi Fred,

Yes, sounds interesting. But consider a scenario when I have Sign-Encrypt-Sign or Encrypt-Sign-Encrypt to be done, then the same interceptor need to added twice (before and after the other one). A solution to this will be to see all Actions beforehand and then repeat adding interceptors for repeated Actions accordingly. Also since, we are seeking a generic solution, IMO this will be a bit overhead. Also, each designated WSS4JInterceptors will have their own data structures (cryptos, etc) leading to high memory overhead.

The trade-off in the other solution (tweaking SecurityAction, EncryptionAction) is that we have to change WSS4J code.

But, a solution to this issue will provide support for ProtectionOrder (SignBeforeEncrypting and EncryptBeforeSigning in WS-Security Policy spec), though not a concern right now.

What are you thoughts?

With Regards,

Fred Dushin wrote:
I see, interesting.

In order to do this in a way that does not require a change to CXF, perhaps what you could do is split your encryption and signature actions into 2 separate interceptors, and add a third in between, which peeks at the result of the encryption action (the results object will be on the message), and then programatically configures the WS4JOutInterceptor, which will do the signature action for you.


On Jan 23, 2008, at 12:41 AM, Mayank Mishra wrote:

Hi Fred,

Yes, you are right. I am talking about the scenario when we have multiple EncryptedData elements and I want to sign only one of them. Yes, I agree XPath would have been much better to handle such scenario.

But AFAIK, we can specify parts (WSEncryptionPart) during SignatureAction by initializing part structure with element Id (I guess it is wsu:id, which we can get from map populated during encryptionAction).

I am yet to test it. I will let you know about it.

With Regards,

Fred Dushin wrote:
Hi Mayank,

When you say "one way to achieve this is to specify the URI of the EncryptedData", do you mean QName, instead of URI?

I get the sense from what you are saying that your message may have multiple EncryptedData elements in it, and you want to sign one, but not others. Is that right?

If you have only one EncryptedData, then you should be able to direct the WSS4J toolkit to sign it, by specifying the EncryptedData QName, in configuration of the interceptor.

Unfortunately, WSS4J does not provide XPath support for protecting (signing/encrypting) message parts, so using QNames is inherently ambiguous.


On Jan 18, 2008, at 2:24 AM, Mayank Mishra wrote:

Any reply to this thread will be highly appreciated.

Thanking in advance,

With Regards,

Mayank Mishra wrote:

Usually we use, Sign and then Encrypt action for any particular xml element. If I want to use Encrypt and then Sign for a particular xml element, then SignatureAction fails to find the xml element. The reason is it has been encrypted and hence corresponding EncryptedData element will be there.

One way to achieve this, is to specify, URI of EncryptedData itself in the signature parts. (It should work, though I haven't tested it). But this is not a full proof solution if I want only specific element only to be encrypted and eventually signed.

*Is there any mechanism to achieve this?* The only way I can think of achieving this is to maintain a list of wsu:id's of corresponding EncryptedData elements and add URI of them to Signature Parts during .SignatureAction. This may be performed in adding another interceptor which handles the message after encryption has been done.

Please let me know your views/suggestions about this.

Thanking in advance. :)

With Regards,

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