
I'm in the process of porting my service from xfire and I'm having some difficulties using a custom type that worked previously. My service returns some pretty complex objects that have XML representations but don't readily serialize using the standard JAXB/Aegis databindings.

In XFire I wrote some custom serializers (extending org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.Type) and by annotating my Service Interface using @XmlReturnType annotations.

When I ported the project over to CXF, this functionality all seems to have been ported, so I'm able to annotate my service with org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.java5.XmlParamType annotations and I've adapted the custom type serializers I'd written to extend org.apache.cxf.aegis.type.Type.

My service is configured using JAX-WS annotations and a spring config file, similar to the xfire migration docs. When I was using XFire, I had the required configuration elements in services.xml to initialize my custom types. But I can't figure out what the equivalent is in CXF. Presumably I need to add the relevant bits to my spring configuration xml but I'm not sure what these bits are! Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,

Tony Burdett.

Tony Burdett
Software Developer,

European Bioinformatics Institute
tel:   01223 494624

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