Webapp #1 sets up a service, with an endpoint on the local transport.

      [java] INFO: Creating Service {urn:basistech.com:rta}RosetteTextAnalyzer
from class com.basistech.rta.ws.RosetteTextAnalyzer
     [java] Apr 9, 2008 9:10:55 PM org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl
     [java] INFO: Setting the server's publish address to be

Webapp #2 sets up a client proxy, trying to talk to the same endpoint.
Unhappiness results. First, some diagnostic complaints from the RSFB while
creating the proxy (this is all JAXWS+JAXB) then we get the complaint that
no-one and nothing is listening. Will the local transport in fact work
across webapps? For that matter, are the complaints because all I've given
the proxy factory to work on is an interface, and it doesn't have param
names? I've been working inside CXF for so long that I'm pretty lost when I
just try to use it.

  [java] Apr 9, 2008 9:11:34 PM
     [java] INFO: Creating Service
from class com.basistech.rta.RosetteTextAnalyzer
     [java] Apr 9, 2008 9:11:35 PM
     [java] INFO: {urn:basistech.com:rta:v1.0}tokenResults part type QName
     [java] {urn:basistech.com:rta:v1.0}languages part type QName null.
     [java] {urn:basistech.com:rta:v1.0}matches part type QName null.
     [java] {urn:basistech.com:rta:v1.0}glossaries part type QName null.
     [java] Apr 9, 2008 9:11:35 PM
org.apache.cxf.transport.local.LocalTransportFactory createDestination
     [java] INFO: Creating destination for address
     [java] Apr 9, 2008 9:11:35 PM
org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain doIntercept
     [java] INFO: Interceptor has thrown exception, unwinding now
     [java] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Local destination does not have
a MessageObserver on address local://RosetteTextAnalyzer

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