
I'm writing some code that will allow me to deploy webservices that has been
setup as ServicePoints in Hivemind. This way I can build components (JARs)
with the webservice that I want to deploy and just add them to the classpath
of my WAR project and they will deployed. No need to configure everything in
one xml file, distributed configuration (maybe something to commit back to
CXF when I'm "done"?).
It works just fine until I realize that I want to import XSD schemas in my
WSDLs to allow validation of the SOAP requests.
Now, I have several webservices sharing XSDs (one entity model for several
services and so on) so I don't want to package the XSDs in the JAR that
contains the implementation code and the WSDL for the actual service. I add
an import for a external resource in my test.wsdl:

<xsd:import ..... schemaLocation="http://localhost/entities/user.xsd"; />

Generating Java code with WSDL2JAVA works fine, and I set the @Webservice
annotation accordingly (wsdlLocation="schemas/service/test.wsdl), the WSDL
will reside in the JAR file that is built with the service code, the XSDs
are NOT, they reside on a server (in this case localhost).
Now, when I deploy my WAR file containing the JAR I get an error (removing
the wsdlLocation from the Webservice annotation - thus building service from
SEI instead of WSDL - will work just fine, but then I lose the validation!)
like this:

...XMLSchemaException: Unable to locate imported document at
'http://localhost/entities/user.xsd', relative to

Digging down in the code we end up in the ExtendedURIResolver.resolve (line
42) that makes a call to resolve in
This method totally ignores that my URI starts with 'http' it just assumes a
JAR, CLASSPATH or FILESYSTEM path. This seems kind of silly? Any URL should
be possible to resolve? If I change the baseUriStr (jar:file://....) -
removing the 'jar:' when debugging I can get it to work since then I end up
in the tryFileSystem method which actually can resolve a HTTP URL, I'm
thinking that this should be tried if JAR resolving fails? Or maybe even
before JAR resolving?
What do you think? Should I file this as an JIRA issues? I feel it's a bug,
easy to fix as well, and would to get it fixed in the next release of CXF.



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