eBay thwarts sale of presidential election votes
By Bloomberg News
August 17, 2000, 4:55 p.m. PT
URL: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1007-200-2549827.html
eBay said it halted at least four auctions by people trying to sell their votes in the 
upcoming U.S. presidential election.

Yahoo also was investigating a vote up for bid on its auction site.

eBay said several people alerted it about an auction in which the seller set initial 
bidding at $1. At least three other auctions with similar offers were taken down 
today, said Kevin Pursglove, eBay's spokesman.

The auction site's guidelines prohibit the sale of illegal items. In the past, eBay 
has pulled offensive offerings from its auction listings, including seats at a death 
row inmate's execution and a rifle allegedly salvaged from the Branch Davidian 
compound siege seven years ago.

Yahoo, the giant portal, also forbids the sale of illegal merchandise. A listing from 
a seller in Cortland, N.Y., posted an auction yesterday for the sale of a vote.

"You may specify whom I vote for in the presidential and all other elections in my 
district by name or by party," said the posting by a seller who goes by the name 
"celebpikz." An initial price of $5 was requested with bid increments of 10 cents each.

"Why should the American Citizen be left out? Congressmen and Senators regularly sell 
THEIR votes to the highest bidder!"

Pursglove said it was unknown if some of the sellers on eBay were serious or trying to 
pull a practical joke.

eBay said it is cooperating with agencies investigating the situation, including the 
U.S. Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission.

Copyright 2000, Bloomberg L.P. All rights reserved.

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