"Cyber-Security Called 'Dismal'" 
Washington Post (09/12/00) P. A3; Newman, Cathy 

A House panel finds that many government agencies have
inadequate computer security and are at risk from computer
hackers and cyber-terrorists. The Department of Health and
Human Services is among the seven agencies that were given a
failing grade for computer security. House Subcommittee on
Government Management, Information and Technology chairman
Rep. Stephen Horn feels that it is necessary for agencies to
correct the problems immediately, as hacking and
cyber-terrorist efforts continue to become more numerous and
sophisticated. The Department of Treasury may be subject to
losses and fraud, and the Department of Defense may have
classified data changed, stolen, or disclosed to the public if
proper action is not taken, says Joel C. Williamson of the
General Accounting Office's Accounting and Information
Management Division. The agencies have asked for approximately
$2 billion in federal money to help beef up their computer

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