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New email could confound law enforcement

By Cecily Barnes

Staff Writer, CNET News.com

September 22, 2000, 12:20 p.m. PT

A start-up is set to release a novel messaging service that lets people send
heavily encrypted email directly to each other, a development that could be
a boon for privacy advocates but a headache for law enforcement authorities.
AbsoluteFuture.com of Bellvue, Wash., has dubbed its service "SafeMessage,"
describing it as a "direct messaging" service that transmits messages from
party to party without the use of a central server.

This distinction is significant because email, which always passes through
mail servers, leaves a trace copy of itself that can be subpoenaed, read or
otherwise accessed by unauthorized readers.

Besides bypassing a central server, the messages are heavily encrypted and
are programmed to be automatically erased after a period of time designated
by the sender. The encryption not only prevents outsiders from reading the
message, but also limits the message recipient's ability to forward, cut and
paste, or print the message.

"(Email) leaves a permanent trail," said CEO Graham Andrews. "Not only on
your computer and the receiver's computer, but also three or four servers in
the middle."

Whether or not direct messaging can strip away all traces of a document sent
over the Internet is unclear, as the system does not do away with the need
for an Internet service provider to allow parties to share files.

"It's certainly going to pass through the server that connects you to the
Internet and the server that connects the recipient to the Internet, but it
will not pass through the typical mail servers," said Tony McNamara,
AbsoluteFuture's chief technology officer.

Amid growing concerns about privacy on the Internet, more people are
inquiring about the secure transfer of data online, especially in instances
of financial and banking data. AbsoluteFuture joins a growing list of
companies that are responding to this market need with encrypted email

Rival products include HushMail, ZixMail, Disappearing Inc. and Authentica.

Unlike AbsoluteFuture, however, these services use ordinary email delivery
systems that are prone to online eavesdropping and may leave trace copies
behind in the computers used to carry them. AbsoluteFuture believes it has
found a solution to this problem by harnessing technology known as
peer-to-peer networking, which connects personal computers directly, without
the need for a central server to route file transfers.
Meta Group analyst David Thompson calls the market for peer-to-peer or
encrypted messaging nascent. "People are just starting to realize that this
kind of thing is even possible," he said.

Peer-to-peer technology gained widespread notice after file-swapping company
Napster was sued by the Recording Industry Association of America for
allegedly facilitating the transfer of copyrighted material.

While SafeMessage does not present any copyright violation, it could
undermine the efforts of law enforcement agencies that sift and subpoena
email messages to catch criminals. Most notably, privacy advocates have
called attention to the FBI's Carnivore program, which is installed at ISPs
and scans massive amounts of email to track messages sent by people under

AbsoluteFuture's SafeMessage system would potentially allow people to
operate below this radar screen.

AbsoluteFuture said it is marketing its product primarily to corporate
clients. "We believe this should be available to individual consumers, too,
but we're not really in a position to handle that, so we are going to go the
route of licensing to ISPs," Graham said. "We are very close to signing up
several resellers."

The company said SafeMessage is already being tested by a number of large
corporate clients including a major oil trading company in Moscow, a large
accounting firm, and a couple of stockbrokers.

To use SafeMessage, a person signs on to the program with an ID and
password, similarly to an email client. When typing the recipient, the person sends
the contact to AbsoluteFuture's server, which locates the recipient online and
allows the sender to send the message directly to the recipient.

The message is encrypted before it leaves the sender's computer, and the
decoder key is destroyed. If the recipient is not online, the sender must
send the message to AbsoluteFuture's server, which will hold the message
until the recipient logs on or the message times out.

"In one sense this is slightly less secure because we're looking after it,"
Graham said. "But we don't have the key to get at it. Even if there was a
court order for the message, it is highly encrypted. We'd say, 'OK, go ahead
try to open it.'"

Meta Group's Thompson said that while the system sounds secure, he is not
convinced that it is foolproof. He said that during the period of time
before the message is destroyed, keys exist that could unscramble the encryption.
"At some point everything is gone," he said. "But there is some window in
there in which there is still exposure."

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