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Pakistani Hackers Deface U.S. Site with Ultimatum 10-18-2001 03:08 PM
Brian McWilliams
October 18, 2001

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, Oct 18, 2001 (Newsbytes via COMTEX) -- A Pakistani
hacking group has defaced a Web server operated by the U.S. government and
threatened to hit American and British military sites unless its demands are

A Web server operated by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) was attacked this morning by a group known as GForce Pakistan, according
to records at Alldas, a Web site defacement archive.

The attackers replaced the site's homepage with their own, which bore the title
"GForce Strikes Back" and contained a 350-word text message. The message said
the group would target "major US military and major British Web sites" in coming
days and jeopardize their internal security.

GForce claimed to have "some very high confidential US data" that it would hand
over to officials of Al Qaeda unless the U.S. met several demands. The group's
confusing ultimatum included the removal of U.S. troops from Saudi Arabia, the
cessation of bombing in Afghanistan, and the production of "evidence," among
other demands.

Al Qaeda is the terrorist organization blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks on

NOAA officials were not immediately available for comment.

The compromised site, located at the Web address http://anburs.kc.noaa.gov,
appears to be part of a network operated by the organization's Aviation Weather
Center in Kansas City, Mo., and may have been somehow involved in a system for
data exchange between the National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation
System known as Alphanumeric Backup Replacement System (ANBURS).

The server, which was unreachable this morning, was running the Linux operating
system and had open file transfer protocol and telnet ports, according to a scan
performed by Alldas.

The message from the attackers said GForce Pakistan condemns the terrorist
attacks on the U.S. but also supports Al Qaeda.

"Usama Bin Laden is a holy fighter, and whatever he says makes sense," said the
group's message.

At the bottom of the defaced page under a heading that read "We Are In No Way
Responsible For This Message" was a section of text announcing the formation of
a group called Al-Qaeda Alliance Online. According to the text, the group will
target major U.S. government sites in coming days.

"We won't hurt any data, as it's unethical. All we want is our message
conveyed," said the message. The text also included this threat aimed at U.S.
President George W. Bush and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair: "The day of judgment is 
very near for both of you."

On Tuesday, the FBI warned Americans to expect an increase in cyber protests.
The agency's National Infrastructure Protection Center said that besides
defacements and denial of service attacks, the "hacktivists" could also target
systems supporting "the national infrastructure."

A mirror of the defaced NOAA site is here:

Copyright 2001 The Washington Post Company

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