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Pakistani Group Strikes U.S. Military Web Site
 BrianMcWilliams; Newsbytes
Copyright 2001 Post-Newsweek Business Information, Inc.

Delivering on earlier threats, a Pakistani hacking group defaced a Web site operated 
by the U.S. Department of Defense on Saturday.

A crew known as GForce Pakistan replaced the home page of the Defense Test & 
Evaluation Processional Institute (DTEPI) site with a text message about terrorism and 
Islam. The defaced page also included several photographs described by the attackers 
as depicting Muslim children killed by Israeli soldiers.

The vandalized site, located at http://www.dtepi.mil , was still viewable Saturday 
evening. Two other addresses affiliated with the site, including 
http://enduringfreedom.dtepi.mil and http://nasa.dtepi.mil , were also vandalized with 
the same message.

Operation Enduring Freedom is the name given by the Department of Defense to its 
campaign against terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

The attackers' message said Arabs and Muslims fear "retaliation due to unjustified 
stereotyping and accusations" in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks on America. The 
group also criticized the U.S. for historically failing to stop worldwide violence 
against Muslims.

Traffic requests to the DTEPI site appear to be handled by KCnet, an Internet service 
provider in Kansas City.

According to Brian Martin of the Attrition.org hacking information site, the attackers 
may have used a technique called "DNS poisoning" to cause the defacement. Rather than 
attack the DTEPI Web server directly, GForce may have penetrated the site's name 
server and redirected visitors attempting to reach the DTEPI site to a compromised 
server at KCnet, according to Martin.

GForce's message included a threat to deface 1,500 U.S., British, and Indian Web sites 
in the next month, and claimed to have already obtained sensitive data from Indian 
government officials. The group also threatened to launch a one terrabyte-per-second 
denial of service attack against a site that had apparently published information 
critical of the defacers.

"We have suffered throughout the ages and will suffer no more. This is the era of 
cyberwarfare, where once again the Muslims have prevailed. We will not rest till every 
node, every line, every bit of information contained in our suppressors has not been 
wiped out, returning them to the dark ages," said the message.

On Wednesday, GForce vandalized a Web server operated by the National Oceanic & 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In a message at the defaced site, the attackers 
said they were part of a group called the Al-Qaeda Alliance Online that planned to 
target "major US military and major British Web sites" in coming days and jeopardize 
their internal security.

The Defense Test & Evaluation Processional Institute provides online and CD-ROM 
training courses in modern defense testing, according to a copy of the site's original 
homepage cached by the Google search engine.

The defaced page also contained a link to an animated presentation about Islam located 
at a site operated by the Muslim Student Association at Oregon State University.

Alldas' mirror of the defaced site is at 
http://defaced.alldas.de/mirror/2001/10/20/www.dtepi.mil/ .

Reported by Newsbytes, http://www.newsbytes.com .

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