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Internet proves easy way for terrorists to communicate

By LISA HOFFMAN, Scripps Howard News Service

(October 6, 2001 02:12 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - To terrorist cells such 
as Al Qaeda, a picture on the Web can be worth a lot more than a thousand words.

Employing the 21st century version of a concept as old as secrets themselves, alleged 
terrorists affiliated with Osama bin Laden are believed to have exploited the vastness 
of the Internet to hide messages between conspirators in what amounts to plain sight.

According to declassified intelligence reports, court testimony and computer security 
experts, bin Laden's network has been a pioneer in adapting the ancient art of 
steganography to the Internet. U.S. officials and high-tech researchers seeking to 
counter such techniques are scrambling for methods to detect or derail them.

Online steganography - derived from the Greek words meaning "covered writing" - 
essentially involves hiding information or communications inside something so 
unremarkable that no one would suspect it's there. It's the cyber-equivalent of 
invisible ink or the "dead drops" that spies use to pass secrets.

Experts say Al Qaeda, along with the Palestinian terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas, 
have used computer software available for free on the Internet to communicate via 
virtually undetectable messages embedded electronically within innocuous photographs 
or music files of the sort that millions of Internet users send to each other each day.

Using it as a ruse, bin Laden's terror operatives allegedly have been able to bury 
maps, diagrams, photos of targets and messages within popular music, auction and 
sports sites as well as pornographic chat rooms - incongruous territory for devout 
Muslim fundamentalists.

Secrets even can be hidden in spam, the millions of unwanted e-mail messages 
ricocheting daily across the Internet that barely register with most users before they 
delete them. Communicating this way makes it extraordinarily difficult for law 
enforcement to pick up on, much less interdict or trace.

"The sender can transmit a message without ever communicating directly with the 
receiver. There is no e-mail between them, no remote logins, no instant messages," 
wrote Bruce Schneier of Counterpane Internet Security. "Steganography is a good way 
for terrorist cells to communicate... without any group knowing the identity of the 

It's an old concept, written about in 474 B.C. by Greek historian Herodotus, who 
described how Histiaeus of Miletus shaved the head of a slave and tattooed a secret 
message on his scalp. When the slave's hair grew back, Histiaeus dispatched him to the 
Greeks, who shaved the slave's head and read the message.

During World War II, invisible ink was used by all sides. And the Germans perfected 
the use of "microdots," in which a page of writing could be reduced to the size of a 
dot on a letter - only to be enlarged by the recipients and read.

Computer steganography essentially piggy-backs information on empty or unimportant 
spaces in digital files. But those who want to employ the method don't need to 
understand the complex concepts at work - all they have to do is download software 
available free or for less than $50 from more than two dozen Internet sites.

Follow the instructions for using the software and, with a few mouse clicks, you've 
hidden a message that is all but undetectable, except by the person you have tipped to 
where to find it.

Photo or music files with such messages embedded are indistinguishable to the human 
eye or ear from identical ones lacking the secret data.

That fact exponentially increases the difficulty for investigators trying to track 
terrorist communications online. "With the volume of documents, photos, video and 
sound files moving on the Internet, there is no system powerful enough to analyze 
every object for hidden messages," wrote Barry Collin, research fellow at the National 
Interagency Civil-Military Institute of the National Guard Bureau.

And an interceptor can be hamstrung even more if the hidden message is encrypted into 
code. Bin Laden's network allegedly does just that.

The Justice Department, citing the difficulty of monitoring and detecting 
cyber-communications among terrorists, is asking Capitol Hill to relax legal 
restrictions or force software writers to supply their secrecy code "keys" to the 
government in order to make it easier for agents to tap into everyday e-mail on a 
broad hunt for miscreants and de-scramble what they find.

Civil libertarians say such privacy invasions are unnecessary; efforts should be 
directed instead toward techniques to detect and disable cyber-steganography.

The intelligence community is hard at work with university researchers creating 
sophisticated detection programs that use complex algorithms to conduct statistical 
tests capable of identifying stenographic footprints.

One new software package of interest to the Air Force was developed by research 
professor Jessica Fridrich at Binghamton University in New York state. Called 
"Securestego," it allows a user to return a digital image modified by steganography to 
its original state - that could derail such a message before it could reach its 
intended receiver.


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