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"U.S. Backing for Guidelines on Fighting Cybercrime" 
New York Times (02/12/02) P. C9; Feder, Barnaby J. 

The FBI and the Secret Service have issued the first-ever
guidelines for businesses to report cyberattacks to public
authorities and several information-sharing partnerships set
up by the government. The guidelines were developed with the
help of CIO Magazine. Companies are often fearful of bad
publicity should they reveal failures in their computer
security. National Infrastructure Protection Center head
Ronald L. Dick says businesses will be willing to share
information if it is made clear what authorities will and
will not do, such as not "seizing your server and putting
yellow tape around it." The guidelines help outline
procedures and encourage IT managers to develop
relationships with the local government authorities in
charge of investigating cyberattacks, such as the 65
InfraGard chapters set up around the country by the FBI. A
survey by the FBI and the Computer Security Institute found
that only 36 percent of companies hacked or hit by malignant
code last year reported the intrusions to authorities.

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