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"U.S. Government Trains Cyberdefenders" 
Associated Press (03/31/02) 

Students that receive computer security scholarships in
exchange for government service are expected to help boost
cybersecurity, but critics such as Computer Economics'
Michael Erbschloe do not see the program making any
significant impact. For one thing, President Bush has
requested a fiscal 2003 budget of only about $11 million for
the cybercorps, while the number of participating students
will probably total about 300 by the end of the year. Most
college-level computer science programs emphasize basic
skills such as programming rather than making networks
hackerproof; that will probably change as more
vulnerabilities are disclosed and terrorists attempt to
exploit them. Students participating in the cybercorps
program will also have better chances of netting lucrative
private sector jobs when their two years of government
service are up, since security is becoming more of a
priority among companies. BindView security strategy
director Scott Blake says the key to security training is to
concentrate on instilling in students a particular
analytical process rather than teaching them certain kinds
of knowledge.

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