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"FBI's New Cyber Division Quietly Ramps Up" 
National Journal's Technology Daily (04/08/02); Porteus,

Many tech industry observers were surprised this week at the
appointment of FBI special agent Larry Mefford as assistant
director of the new Cyber Division. Tech executives had
discussed with government officials about the creation of
such a unit after the Sept. 11 attacks, and FBI director
Robert Mueller had alluded to it in an early March
appearance before Congress. Still, many have been surprised
by the move as it suggests a new dynamism between the FBI's
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), White
House cybersecurity advisor Richard Clarke, the Justice
Department's Computer Crimes and Intellectual Property unit,
and the new Cyber Division. The stated aim of the Cyber
Division is to bring all the FBI's Internet, computer, and
network responsibilities under one administrative umbrella.
Sources within the NIPC have warned against upsetting the
fragile relationship the group is beginning to build between
the private sector, which must trust the NIPC not to
disclose breaches in electronic security. In his earlier
comments before a House appropriations subcommittee, Mueller
asked that more funds be given to the NIPC and introduced
the idea of the Cyber Division, which, in his words, "will
bring together various cyber initiatives and programs under
one umbrella...to protect our nation's growing digital
marketplace and electronic infrastructure."

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