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impossible d'installer la version 9.2.1

il me dit qu'il ne peut pas l'installer, pourtant je suis en mac os 9.1
english et j'installe la 9.2.1 en angalais

que faire??

Lu sur Macfixit :

"Mac OS 9.2 update requires Mac OS 9.1 if you are performing an auto or
manual update.
You can install this version of Mac OS 9.2 on any of the following
computers: Power Mac G4, Power Macintosh G3, PowerBook G4, PowerBook G3
(except the original PowerBook G3), iMac, and iBook.
If (when installing OS 9.2.1) you see a message that your disk has
problems and cannot be repaired, make sure file sharing is off, then try
installing again. If that doesn't work, try using another disk-repair
utility. If you don't have another utility, or if that utility also
doesn't work, you may need to reinitialize the disk."



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