C y b e r M a c @ E x M a c h i n a ( M a i l i n g   L i s t )
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on 14/11/01 11:10, David Remacle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Est-ce quelqu'un peut me rappeler comment rendre sous os 10.1 le terminal
> transparent ?

Y'a TinkerTool qui permet cela en plus d'une multitude d'autre chose:

*    Enable or disable the Mac OS desktop
*    Disable the animation effect when opening files
*    Show hidden and system files in the Finder
*    Set the Dock position
*    Select the Dock animation effect
*    Use transparent Dock icons to mark hidden applications
*    Select the default fonts used in Cocoa applications
*    Activate transparent Terminal windows
*    Control font-smoothing in all types of Mac OS X applications



ATTENTION Le stress nuit autant a l'esperance de vie que la cigarette.
N'attendez plus, prenez Planet ADSL.
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