C y b e r M a c @ E x M a c h i n a ( M a i l i n g   L i s t )
<http://www.cybercafe21.net> & <http://www.cybercafe21.tv>

iSolutions - Francis Vermeire, écrivant depuis
[EMAIL PROTECTED], a usé un peu plus son clavier :

> C y b e r M a c @ E x M a c h i n a ( M a i l i n g   L i s t )
> <http://www.cybercafe21.net> & <http://www.cybercafe21.tv>
>> Tu rigoles ! :-)
> Non, comme tu peux le constater ici (notion de metadata) :
> int main(void)
> {
>    OSStatus    outStatus;
>    FSSpec      spec;
>    FSRef       folderRef;
>    printf("begin file iteration!\n");
>    fflush( stdout );
>    //
>    // Get the currently running application's parent folder,
>    // make it into an FSRef, and iterate it
>    //
>    outStatus = FSMakeFSSpec( 0, 0, "\p", &spec );
>    if( outStatus == noErr )
>    {
>        outStatus = FSpMakeFSRef( &spec, &folderRef );
>        if( outStatus == noErr )
>        {
>            outStatus = IterateFolder( &folderRef );
>        }
>    }
>    printf( "final error status is (#%d)\n", outStatus );
>    return 0;
> }
> OSStatus IterateFolder( FSRef * inFolder )
> {
>    OSStatus    outStatus;
>    //
>    // Get permissions and node flags and Finder info
>    //
>    // For maximum performance, specify in the catalog
>    // bitmap only the information you need to know
>    //
>    FSCatalogInfoBitmap     kCatalogInfoBitmap = (      kFSCatInfoNodeFlags
>                                                    |   kFSCatInfoFinderInfo
>                                                 );
>    //
>    // On each iteration of the do-while loop, retrieve this
>    // number of catalog infos
>    //
>    // We use the number of FSCatalogInfos that will fit in
>    // exactly four VM pages (#113). This is a good balance
>    // between the iteration I/O overhead and the risk of
>    // incurring additional I/O from additional memory
>    // allocation
>    //
>    const size_t            kRequestCountPerIteration =
>                                                ((4096 * 4) /
> sizeof(FSCatalogInfo));
>    FSIterator              iterator;
>    FSCatalogInfo *         catalogInfoArray;
>    //
>    // Create an iterator
>    //
>    outStatus = FSOpenIterator( inFolder, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator );
>    if( outStatus == noErr )
>    {
>        //
>        // Allocate storage for the returned information
>        //
>        catalogInfoArray = (FSCatalogInfo *) malloc( sizeof(FSCatalogInfo)
>                                                    *
> kRequestCountPerIteration );
>        if( catalogInfoArray == NULL )
>        {
>            outStatus = memFullErr;
>        }
>        else
>        {
>            //
>            // Request information about files in the given directory,
>            // until we get a status code back from the File Manager
>            // 
>            do
>            {
>                ItemCount   actualCount;
>                outStatus = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk(   iterator,
>                                                    kRequestCountPerIteration,
>                                                    &actualCount,
>                                                    NULL,
>                                                    kCatalogInfoBitmap,
>                                                    catalogInfoArray,
>                                                    NULL,
>                                                    NULL,
>                                                    NULL );
>                //
>                // Process all items received
>                //
>                if( outStatus == noErr || outStatus == errFSNoMoreItems )
>                {
>                    UInt32  index;
>                    for( index = 0; index < actualCount; index += 1 )
>                    {
>                        //
>                        // Do something interesting with the object found
>                        //
>                        DoSomethingWithThisObject( &catalogInfoArray[
> index ] );
>                    }
>                }
>            }
>            while( outStatus == noErr );
>            //
>            // errFSNoMoreItems tells us we have successfully processed all
>            // items in the directory -- not really an error
>            //
>            if( outStatus == errFSNoMoreItems )
>            {
>                outStatus = noErr;
>            }
>            //
>            // Free the array memory
>            //
>            free( (void *) catalogInfoArray );
>        }
>    }
>    return outStatus;
> }
> void DoSomethingWithThisObject( const FSCatalogInfo * inCatInfo )
> {
>    if( (inCatInfo->nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) ==
> kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask )
>    {
>        printf( "Found a folder\n" );
>    }
>    else
>    {
>        FInfo *     theFinderInfo;
>        OSType      type;
>        theFinderInfo   = (FInfo *)&inCatInfo->finderInfo[0];
>        type            = theFinderInfo->fdType;
>        printf( "Found a file (type %c%c%c%c)\n",
>                (char) ((type & 0xFF000000) >> 24),
>                (char) ((type & 0x00FF0000) >> 16),
>                (char) ((type & 0x0000FF00) >> 8),
>                (char) (type & 0x000000FF)
>                 );
>    }
> }
> Bonne lecture
> FranciscoSan

C'est quoi tout ce charabia ?

        Stephen D'INNOCENZO - Alias ZARVOX ou ZARVOXBE
 GSM : 0497/31 88 31 - ICQ : 18650695 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Membre de Clic & Go ! - Groupe d'utilisateurs Apple

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