Le 17-déc.-03, à 13:38, alain (c-gundo) a écrit :

salut la liste.

existe-t-il un moyen sur Mac de transférer des documents d'un serveur FTP A vers un serveur FTP B sans devoir d'abord télécharger de A sur son DD et ensuite uploader vers les B ... ?


    alain vanderbeke
-- www.c-gundo.com
Avec i-mode, vivez une toute nouvelle experience de la communication
et des services en ligne.  Plus dÕinfo sur http://www.imode.be
CyberCafe c'est chaque semaine le mardi 19h et 22h30 sur La 2!
Desabonnement par email :  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ouvrir une session telnet sur A et faire un ftp de là ?

Sinon avec le ftp en terminal il y a la commande "proxy"

proxy ftp-command
Execute an ftp command on a secondary control connection.
This command allows simultaneous connection to two remote FTP
servers for transferring files between the two servers. The
first proxy command should be an open, to establish the sec-
ondary control connection. Enter the command "proxy ?" to
see other FTP commands executable on the secondary connec-
tion. The following commands behave differently when pref-
aced by proxy: open will not define new macros during the
auto-login process, close will not erase existing macro defi-
nitions, get and mget transfer files from the host on the
primary control connection to the host on the secondary con-
trol connection, and put, mput, and append transfer files
from the host on the secondary control connection to the host
on the primary control connection. Third party file trans-
fers depend upon support of the FTP protocol PASV command by
the server on the secondary control connection.

J'ai fait un essai

ftp www.twautele.easynet.be
Connected to swing.www.be.easynet.net.
220 swing.www.be.easynet.net FTP server ready.
Name (www.twautele.easynet.be:twautele): ********
331 Password required for twautele.
230 User twautele logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> proxy open ftp.easynet.be
Trying 2001:6f8:200:1::5:33...
ftp: connect to address 2001:6f8:200:1::5:33: No route to host
Connected to ftp.easynet.be.
220 minx.ftp.be.easynet.net FTP server ready
Name (ftp.easynet.be:twautele): anonymous
331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password.
230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
ftp> proxy ?
Proxy commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:

account         form            mlst            pmlsd           runique
append          ftp             mode            proxy           send
ascii           get             modtime         put             site
binary          help            more            pwd             size
case            idle            mput            quote           status
cd              image           msend           recv            struct
cdup            less            newer           reget           sunique
chmod           ls              nlist           remopts         system
close           mdelete         nmap            rename          tenex
delete          mdir            ntrans          reset           type
dir             mget            open            restart         umask
disconnect      mkdir           page            rhelp           usage
features        mls             pdir            rmdir           user
fget            mlsd            pls             rstatus         ?

Donc je suis connecté sur mon compte easynet et lui est
connecté à ftp.easynet.be

ftp> proxy ls
ftp.easynet.be:227 Entering Passive Mode (212,100,160,33,160,76).
ftp.easynet.be:150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwxrwxr-x  13 mirror   mirror       4096 Dec 17 04:23 CPAN
drwxr-xr-x   9 mirror   mirror       4096 Dec 17 13:05 GNOME
drwxrwxr-x  22 mirror   mirror       4096 Dec  8 13:49 LDP
drwxrwxr-x   5 mirror   mirror       4096 Dec  6 01:36 OpenLDAP
drwxrwxr-x  18 mirror   mirror       4096 Dec  1 14:24 XFree86
drwxr-sr-x   9 mirror   mirror       4096 Nov 30 12:45 analog
drwxrwxr-x  15 mirror   mirror       4096 Dec 13 07:34 apache
drwxr-xr-x  19 mirror   mirror       4096 Jun 18  2003 blackdown
ftp.easynet.be:226 Transfer complete.

Par contre un get ne fct pas ?

ftp> proxy get rfc1001.txt
local: rfc1001.txt remote: rfc1001.txt
ftp.easynet.be:227 Entering Passive Mode (212,100,160,33,161,8).
swing.www.be.easynet.net:500 Illegal PORT command.

le mode passive ne serait pas supporté

ftp> proxy mode PASV
We only support stream mode, sorry.
ftp> exit
swing.www.be.easynet.net:221 Goodbye.
ftp.easynet.be:221 Goodbye.


-- Avec i-mode, vivez une toute nouvelle experience de la communication et des services en ligne. Plus dÕinfo sur http://www.imode.be CyberCafe c'est chaque semaine le mardi 19h et 22h30 sur La 2! Desabonnement par email : <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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