dans les forums d'Apple, ici:
je trouve un thread à ce sujet:
appleworks VERY sluggish and sticky

any AW file I work on, the program spends as much time spinning, as it does working. even simple tasks as selecting text, objects, or cells, accessing menus, or closing windows will make it stick for 15 sec or so. it's almost like there isn't enough memory. I'm running OS 10.2.8, and AW 6.2.9 -384 mb ram on a g3 - memory isn't a problem for anything else...
I'm one pay cheque away from buying Microsoft office, and switching over to that

Any help would be greatly appreciated


imac - 500 mhz G3; Mac OS X (10.2.x); 384 mb ram

Joined: Oct, 2001
Posts: 31
I refer to an earlier post by Geri Tucker. The suggestion by Geri was right on. Whew! My AppleWorks just flies! So, this is what you do, and I quote Geri, " Under GENERAL PREFS, I checked AT STARTUP SHOW NOTHING and unchecked FONT MENU IN ACTUAL FONTS. Then under FILES PREFS....Do away with AUTOSAVE and I unchecked REMEMBER LAST 10 ITEMS. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a difference!!!!!!!!! I mean this thing was like a G5 on Steroids. "

mais lis le tout, ça continue.

Le 23 juin 04, à 11:27, Fabien Degryse a écrit :

Merci pour l'info. Après désactivation de Norton Autoprotect, je gagne 5 secondes au démarrage. C'est toujours ça de pris. Mais comment se fait-il que seul Apple Works soit affecté par cela ?
De plus, l'essentiel du temps de chargement est consacré, semble-t-il à rechercher tous les points de départ qu'il affiche dans le launcher. Il se passe plus de 10 secondes à ce moment là ... Serait-ce un piste ? ... et de quoi ?
à +

Le 23 juin 04, à 10:29, serge paulus a écrit :

Serge Paulus
CTP, tech support
322 558 19 45

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