From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I still find it hard to believe that the wrath of the parents
>was not directed at the chief constable who made it possible
>for the murderer to get his guns.  He is an accessory to the
>murders as he knew full well the character of that bag of
>filth.  I find it still harder to believe that the law
>protectects him

I heard a "rumour" soon after Dunblane that the bereaved
families had been offered substantial compensation
(L50,000 each was entioned) on the condition that they do
not direct their anger at the police.  However, I fail to
see the purpose of trying to apportion the blame.

Should a Prison Governor be sent to jail every time a
prisoner escapes!?

Hamilton was a very sick man - Hashimoto Disease - and he
wanted to punish local community for what he imagined had
been done to him.  Locals are also guilty of treating him
badly, NHS did not treat him, Police ignored good advice
and renewed his FAC, but none of them can be blamed for the
massacre, because Hamilton did that himself and if he had
been denied pistols, he would have used a great number of
other equally deadly, easily available options. He could
have bought an Uzi on the black market for instance.

If we persist in blaming "the authorities" for Dunblane,
we must expect that the authorities will seek to shift the
blame onto someone else!  Guess who!

Let us not waste any more time promoting the idea that
massacres and murders can be prevented by banning all firearms!


Alex, they did shift the blame onto us, so why should we
not point the figure at the police?  Also, if a prisoner
escapes from prison due to the incompetence of the
prison governor, hell yes I expect that governor to
face some serious consequences, especially, say if
the prisoner went into a school and killed 16 people.

Also I know there is evidence that Hamilton suffered
from Hashimoto's disease but the official story is
that he did not, there not being enough evidence to
prove it.

The thing that galls me the most about this is that
anyone actually still thinks it is worth debating!
McMurdo resigned - Cullen explicitly said that CSP
made serious mistakes, we're not the ones pointing
the finger here, the police have accepted that they
did make mistakes!


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