Man arrested following courtroom drama 

A man has been arrested by police hunting for two men
sprung from the dock at a magistrates' court during an
armed raid.

Thames Valley Police said the 22-year-old, who was
arrested near Maidenhead, was being interviewed by
detectives on suspicion of being "unlawfully at large".

The police were also hunting the two masked men who
masqueraded as police officers, forced their way into
Slough Magistrates' Court in Berkshire and began
shooting with a handgun and sawn-off shotgun.

The arrest on Thursday night came after a relative of
one of two prisoners who fled the courtroom pleaded
with him to "give himself up" to police.

The uncle of Ricky Loveridge, 22, who declined to give
his full name, said: "It's upsetting obviously and I
wish he would come back and get himself sorted out and
give himself up. "

A policeman suffered cuts to the head when he was hit
with the butt of a gun as he tried to stop Loveridge
and Richard Hurley, 19, who were both facing
burglary-related charges, fleeing from the Berkshire

The gunmen, clad in balaclavas, fired shots into the
air as stunned court officials looked on. The two
prisoners dashed from the courtroom and escaped in a
waiting car, but a third man who was in the dock at
the time remained where he was as his co-accused fled.

Loveridge was on remand at Bullingdon prison in
Oxfordshire for conspiracy to burgle, and Hurley was
on remand at Reading prison for burglary.

A police spokesman said the incident happened at about
12.40pm. "It would appear a number of people entered a
court and assisted the escape of two men who were
appearing before the court. During the incident, a
firearm was discharged several times inside the courtroom. "

He said a full forensic examination by scenes of crime
officers was being carried out, and said detectives
were trying to trace a silver four-wheel-drive Subaru
Impreza car, which is believed to have been used in the

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