From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wholeheartedly agree...and NOW is the time to get
letter writing to your LOCAL MP asking him or her to
"ask the Home Secretary" if he will refuse to make any
exception to the law which prevents the shooting of
handguns in a competitive manner.
Readers might care to know that the Home Office expressly
constructed the law on 7(3) handguns to absolutely proscribe
any competitive use of them.  I am disgusted with this
typical elitist manner and contempt to those of us
who were never going to win medals but enjoyed our sport
safely and responsibly nevertheless.
I have to say I totally disagree, the Olympic shooters
aren't being "elitist", they just want to shoot like
the rest of us.  And it plays right into the hands
of the antis.  Kate Hoey seems to be sticking her
neck out for us and it would stupid not to encourage


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