Maybe this guy was telling me 'porkies,' but last week I was
talking on the phone to an RFD who lives hundreds of miles
away from me. 

He told me that he undertakes occasional work for the
local plod and heard that orders had come down on high
from the Home Office (or ACPO) to get as many recorded
incidents of airgun misuse as possible, following the HAC 
report and its recommendations on air weapons.

In his area, coppers had been confiscating air rifles from
lads on the grounds they they were over 12ft lbs. To be
awkward this RFD had chrono-ed the airguns and those he
found over-limit, he had shortened the springs to bring
them into legal power limits--before handing them back
saying the police were wrong. I had to laugh.

He also claimed thgat in his home neighbourhood, the
residents, largely older people, had been plagued by groups
of glue-sniffing teenagers and rowdies. Repeated calls to
the police to get them shifted had met with apathy from the 
police. The RFD waited his opportunity and when he spotted
a gang of kids causing trouble phoned the police anonymously.
He said one of the boys had an air rifle. He lives in a
relatively small remote town, but within ten minutes there
were eight jam butty cars, including armed police, in attendance.

Like I said, this might be bulls--t, but next time you see
someone letting his dog crap on the pavement outside your
house, why not give it a try...?

Barry Woodward.
I've already come to the conclusion a lot of people are doing
this, you're angry with your ex or whatever so tell the police
they've got a gun and the police will roust them.  There was
actually one of these on "coppers" or whatever it's called
when the MoD police got a "tip" that someone had some ammunition
and they went around to a flat and turned it upside down and
found nothing.


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