<<  It
 is a sickening burden, because I realised that the law is
 written by a bunch of morons whose only real objective
 is to get their name into the history books.  >>

I have to slightly disagree with you on this one Steve.  It
appears to me that the only reason for passing laws in this
Country is to maintain or increase the likelihood of those
in power staying in power. I think this has become more and
more apparent over the last 30 years. We have to remember 
that power over others is an end in itself (per Jung?).  

Government pursues this by legislation in two ways:

1. Directly by legislating for the curtailment of individual
rights and liberty.  The RIP bill was a classic example of

2. By passing populist legislation which penalises a minority,
for instance: the Dangerous Dogs Act and the various Firearms
Acts.  The latter is a classic example as it did nothing for
the public and cost a huge amount of their money doing it.  

Usually by passing legislation under 2. the state also achieves
something for itself under 1. 

The only protection against this is an enforceable bill of
rights to whom all are subject.

With all respect to those pursuing our various common law
rights I won't hold my breath waiting for us to achieve this
in the UK.  There just aren't enough people dissatisfied
with the current system to cause a change.  The problem 
is, of course, when you do have enough people dissatisfied
the whole situation becomes unstable and revolution becomes
likely.  Unfortunately the history of revolution tends to
indicate that the people exchange one repressive regime for
another that is even worse be it of the right or the 

(This should cause a storm.... the only 20th Century exception
to the above that I can think of where violent revolution
left the people long term better off was the Spanish Civil
War.  At the end of Franco's life the country transformed
from a repressive dictatorship into a modern democracy. I
exclude Russia from this as I think we are still awaiting
the result, the rest of the Soviet block doesn't count as
they were subject to conquest).

Kenneth Pantling

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