From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From:  George Steffner, INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       --snip--
>Even I did not realize that, until I read Federalist Paper
>No. 29.  I, like everyone else, had assumed the "right of
>the people to keep and bear arms" was to facilitate that
>"well regulated militia."  Only after I studied that Paper
>did I understand what was really intended by the Second
>Amendment.  It actually means that, since a "well regulated
>[select corps]" is being accepted, the "right of the people
>to keep and bear arms [for defense against it] shall not be


        Steve, and George,

        A rather interesting observation, to say the least.
        I have several websites bookmarked, and I shall
make it a point to revisit ye old number 29, thusly.

        That said, and not calling into question the verity
of George's assertions, allow me this one observation on the
part of William Weir, author of "A Well Regulated Militia, The
Battle Over Gun Control" on pages 31 & 32  of that book:
        "Both houses made a number of changes in
Madison's original text, which read: "The right of the
people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a
well armed and regulated militia being the best security
of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous
of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military
service in person."
        Now, if I recall correctly, it was 'Publius' who
penned #29, and again, if I recall correctly, that was a one
Alexander Hamilton (not of Cybershooters fame), and if
that is so, and if Hamilton wrote as George states, then it
would appear that Hamilton showed his hand.
        Interesting. Very interesting.


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