From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Who heard Albie Fox's speech? No mention at all that the handgun ban was
a conservative Government, on a THREE LINE WHIP that banned pistol
Just the illusion that it was Blair's fault!
And that's was the "Founder Member" of Sportsman's Association speaking!
What a wasted opportunity!
And what was Albie doing speaking at a Tory conference? When did he
become a member of that party?

And I don't agree that it was Blair's fault. There is no difference in
attitude towards firearms between our two main parties and it was the
Tories that banned self-loading rifles.  Both parties, whether in office
or not, have been consistent in going for greater control of firearms at
every opportunity.  It is relatively recently that they have adopted the
"public safety" angle (after Hungerford), but that was only an excuse.

So, what gives these people that we have elected the cause to fear us
and, more importantly, the right to seek protection against the


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