From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I met an acquaintance at Bisley yesterday, who told me that he had
applied for renewal last July and just got it a week ago.  His FAC
actually expired at the end of August and he put his guns in storage at
Bisley and continued using them.  He asked the police (Hampshire) and
they told him that that would be OK.

As soon as his FAC came back, he wrote a polite letter suggesting that
if the renewal was taking three months then the reminders should be sent
earlier to give the police time to renew before the expiry date, but he
did not get a reply yet.

When my FAC was due for renewal earlier this year I submitted the form
late as I had some difficulty in finding the second referee who was not
connected with shooting.   My firearms officer actually rang me to say
that he wanted to inspect my security arrangement and when he came I
mentioned my concern about late application and that the FAC could
expire before it had been renewed.  He said: "You are right about the
technical offence, but I would not worry about it."

Thames Valley may be better resourced than some other forces, but is
there a possibility that the police are genuinely snowed under and what
some are experiencing is nothing more than a mixture of muddle, overwork
and frustration?

They certainly are snowed under, because (a) of the two-year break
in renewals because of the lengthening of certificate life, some
forces laid off staff and now don't have enough staff and (b)
they now have to visit everyone personally which is very time


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