From:   "The Isherwood's", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some weeks ago a rumour circulated about a fatal shooting
accident on Tyddesley Wood Range near Pershore, at the
time I questioned the accuracy (forgive the unintended pun)
of the claim.   Seeing as how Tyddesley is my local range
I offered to do a check.

The range warden, who has held the post for the past
sixteen years, could not remember any incident.   Checks
with other local shooters could not come up with anything
in living memory (we have some very old shooters in this
part of the world).   So the range warden checked the range
logs and records going back as far as 1906, the date the
range opened.

To date I/we have NOT been able to produce a single
incident ... let alone a fatality.

It would appear that this is another groundless falsehood.



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