From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I am no expert on stalking, but my instinctive advice is yes, go for premium
>bullets - a very minor part of your total expenditure, and how many deer are
>you likely to shoot anyway? Nosler Partitions or Speer Grand Slams, and as a
>cheaper alternative try Nosler Ballistic Tips. I only ever shot one fallow
>deer, a young buck; from 100 yards max I hit it square behind the shoulder
>with a 150gr softpoint (Winchester factory ammo) out of a 30-06, and it
>barely twitched, just stood there for half a minute before falling over,
>wriggling a bit, then expiring. Rather disconcerting! The bullet exited, as I
>would have expected.
>Anthony Harrison

        Steve, & Anthony,

        The story around where I live in Washington (the real
Washington, as opposed to where all the BS originates), is that if 
you manage to
properly hit a deer, or elk in the heart (locally referred to as the 
'boiler room')
without spooking the animal just prior to, then the likely response is as you
have described.
        On the other hand, if the animal is spooked, or has its attention
gotten by a noise, it has enough adrenalin in its system to take it 
quite a distance,
even after being shot in the heart with the best accuracy.
        Experienced hunters -- bow, black powder, and rifle -- have 
related this
time and again.

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Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.
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