From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have now received a reply to my letter to the Home Office regarding the
possibility of other pistol shooting events being held in the United
Kingdom. I do hope that, finally, those who would aid the pistol events at
Bisley in 2002 will re-consider their decision. The letter was sent via my
local MP and the reply, to me is addressed in the third person. Nevertheless
it is from the Home Office Minister Charles Clarke and carries his

"Thank you for your letter of 6 October enclosing one from Mr Richard Loweth
of Leicester about the possibility of Britain hosting the World Pistol
Championships of the International Practical Shooting Confederation.

The commitment to consider allowing pistol shooting in major international
games held in this country was meant to cater for prestige multi-event
competitions such as the Olympic or Commonwealth Games. It was never
intended to be applied to a single-discipline competition such as the one
mentioned by Mr Loweth, even at World Championship level."

Is it now not time to get ready to stage a mass picket of the Bisley Pistol
Ranges in 2002 in an attempt to persuade the competitors to shoot but not to
register their cards for a score?
Isn't it time to send Mr Clarke an ISSF rulebook?  Or does
he consider all ISSF events to be a "single event"?

I recently wrote a letter to him telling him that having
one agency of the Government spending L6 million on
facilities that include pistol ranges and another saying
that no-one will be allowed to use those pistol ranges
is completely barmy, I await his response.


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