From:   "Neil Francis", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Perhaps he reads
>The Guardian and takes an academic interest in redneck popular culture.
>And Red Dawn is infinitely preferable to anything by Ken
>Loach, Alan Parker, or any other of your (doubtless) favourite Lefty
>social-conscience-laden directors.

Perhaps I just think the film is ridiculous. Why must I be any of the above 
because I think a film is a pile of crap or stupid?

Here we go again. I don't agree with you so I must be <insert one of the 
'insults' above>. Of course for you to think these are insults do I assume 
you come from the opposite end of the spectrum? In that case what does this 
make you?

 >Actually, I've been through the film-buff thing, studied cinema in some
 >depth, and think that most films are crap.

But not Red Dawn ;-) You 'study' films and cinema and you call me the 
trendy leftie?

 >or that terrific thing with giant carnivorous earthworms, "Tremors" (the
>only movie to feature Dillon reloading gear!).

What's this  - liking a film because it has a shot of a Dillon reloading 
press - going a bit far isn't it?

Neil Francis
Trowbridge, UK
Why, are you saying you prefer Lee?<G>


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