From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mick Gault took several medals last time (five Golds I think)
- and they had to mention his achievement on Sports Personality
of the Year!

What better publicity for the sport.

Personally having listened to Dr Mick North and John Hoare
debate this issue on Radio 4's Today programme the other
morning, with John Humphries as the host, I think John
Hoare carried the argument.  How, simply by saying the
Home Secretary was to be formally approached, however
what was not said was that in the original debates in
Parliament the Home Secretary had already said this
would be justthe kind of case for a dispensation.

Mick North sounded lame in places and almost half asleep.  He
was speaking on behalf of GCN, perhaps John Hoare should
have gone for the jugular and used the evidence from the
Home Affairs Select Committee to say how many members GCN
had compared to the numbers the GBTSF represents (John
Hoare was representing them that day).  But perhaps not as
Mick North was introduced as a spokesman of GCN and the
father of a young girl who died at Dunblane, if it had
been Gillian Marshall-Andrews the argument would have
got a bit more heated.



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