From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sounds like fun. They never let me fire RPG's in the Army Cadets. I had to
wait until I was in the TA.  <g>.


Russian children to train for war

Mark Franchetti, Moscow

RUSSIAN schoolchildren are to be sent to summer
military boot camps to learn how to dig trenches
and fire Kalashnikov rifles.

The move is part of President Vladimir Putin's
campaign to restore a sense of national pride to
the country's beleaguered armed forces.

Basic military training was back on the
curriculum for the first time since the Soviet
era as pupils began returning from their summer
holidays last week.

Alongside traditional subjects such as history
and maths, they will be obliged to attend
marching lessons and special courses on how to
react to crises such as impending nuclear attack,
terrorist bombs or hostage-taking.  There will be
special drills with gas masks.

The climax will come at the end of each summer
term when all boys over the age of 15 will be
made to spend a week at a military training camp,
where retired army officers will teach them how
to assemble and fire Kalashnikovs.  They will
also use mortars, practise various fighting
techniques and dig trenches.  Girls will be
taught first aid.

Alla Timokhovskaya, the deputy director of
Moscow's school number 620, said the classes in
"military-patriotic education" would turn pupils
into better citizens.

"We will take our kids on excursions to military
bases and tank museums," she said.  "They will
receive lessons in patriotism, will study at even
greater length the history of the second world
war, and will meet veterans."

The Kremlin hopes the classes will help improve
the poor standing of the Russian army, which has
been plagued by corruption, desertion and
underfunding since the collapse of communism and
the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Such military training is to become compulsory,
reviving a practice of the Soviet era Photograph:
David King The move comes as Putin, a Soviet-era
spy and former director of the FSB - the
successor organisation to the KGB - prepares to
increase military spending in an effort to
restore national pride in Russia's crippled armed
forces.  They have been shaken by the Kursk
disaster and setbacks in the war against
separatists in Chechnya.

Compulsory military training and classes in
patriotism were a staple diet in Soviet schools,
where children were taught to fear the West and
prepare to fend off a Nato invasion.  The
practice was abolished in 1991 by Mikhail
Gorbachev, the last Soviet president, as he
dismantled the old communist system.

His successor, Boris Yeltsin, signed a decree in
1998 reintroducing the measures, but little
effort was made to implement it.  Putin, however,
has long been a supporter of the scheme and drew
up detailed guidelines on its implementation on
December 31 last year - the day Yeltsin resigned
and Putin was promoted from prime minister to
replace him.

While most European countries have abolished
conscription, in Russia all men above 18 are
expected to serve a full two years.

Thousands of young conscripts have died in wars
in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Critics have seized on Putin's plans as
reinforcing their view of the president as a man
of authoritarian leanings who regards most issues
through the needs of national security.

"Such initiatives to make children run around
like soldiers and play with weapons are a full
return to a Soviet military state," warned
Valeria Novodvorskaya, a human rights campaigner
who has often clashed with the authorities.

"But since it's coming from Putin this does not
surprise me. What else can we expect from a
leader with a KGB mentality? Unless people
protest and mothers refuse to send their kids to
training camps, there is no doubt that our
society will become more militaristic."

Some have also questioned the need for compulsory
training, given that there are special army
training camps where parents can send their
children during summer breaks if they wish.

At Cascade, a summer boot camp close to Moscow,
young Russians already undergo training that
differs little from that for special forces
serving in Chechnya.

Clad in full camouflage uniforms, children as
young as nine are put through a gruelling
training course.  It includes mock clashes and
ambushes, and lessons in how to use weapons such
as axes, knives and Kalashnikovs.  Children are
even taught how to handle a rocket-propelled
grenade launcher.

Some of the children come from broken families,
and the scheme is said to help them out of
crime-ridden neighbourhoods and into the army.

"I teach the kids here that you can use almost
anything at hand to kill an enemy: a stone, a
piece of wood, a comb or even a spoon," said
Gennady Karatayev, the commander.

"Our children should not be afraid of the army.
It is important to make them understand that it
is prestigious to serve in it.

"It is not normal that mothers should hide their
children from the army when they are called up,
while terrorists are bombing our houses."

Additional reporting: Dimitri Beliakov

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