From:   andrew, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Only a few months the french successfully sabotaged
tank trials held by the Greek army by using a small
transmitter to block GPS signals.
Naturally the tank crews were trained to rely on
GPS and as result demonstrations of british, german
and u.s. tanks were a fiasco. Of course in a real
war the enemy wouldn't stoop to such underhand, dirty

Garbage in - garbage out.
In a REAL war, a 1 megaton warhead exploded under
the GPS satellite would kill it with EMP.  I know
they're EMP hardened but they're not tough enough
to survive a nuclear explosion.

But I wonder if anyone would do that, because so
many foreign armies rely on US GPS satellites!

I don't know that the US uses, but the British Army
has an emergency relay system in the event satellites
are knocked out by EMP.  My job in the army was to
help deploy it in the event of a nuclear attack.


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