From:   "pete", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Complaining and taking legal action is both time
>consuming, stressful and very expensive.  People do not
>do it for kicks, so let us give them full credit for
>trying and try to find a solution without the legal

You forget that the kind of people who've perhaps
retired from inner city life to what they hope will
be a sanitised chocolate box version of the English
countryside with plenty of time on their hands, the
ability to compose letters to their local councillor
and, usually also, indignation in equal measure. With
respect, people will do it for kicks because they are
sufficiently arrogant to believe themselves to be
always in the right.

Believe me, people move to the countryside and in all
seriousness complain about the noise of tractors and
agricultural machinery and the smells of farmyard
animals. I recall a similar blue rinse and handbag
marching into an estate agents in Suffolk and demanding
to be shown houses in places where "There won't be any
of that dreadful jet noise". The estate agent smiled,
put down his pen and politely explained that you couldn't
live anywhere in Suffolk (at that time) without expecting
to be overflown by military fast jets at all times of day
and night.


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