From:   "pete", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>"Oh" she giggled.  "I'm just showing my ignorance."

>She said it.  I'm not sure who she was but I think she
>is Radio 4s sports correspondent covering the Olympics.
>She obviously caught on the hop having been told to
>interview Richard.  She is probably more accustomed to
>the usual sports.

Hmm. Dumbing down I believe it's called.
It's been happening all the time on the box, the biggest offenders being
John Inverdale and Steve Cram who, together, acted about as professionally
as a jellyfish. Barely concealed smirking about the relative performance of
swimmers from one of the African nations, the visual distractions of women's
beach volleyball and this precious quote from Inverdale, "I haven't a clue
what's going on there" which could have been related to Ian Peel's silver
medal, or one of the sailing events, I don't remember for sure.
What a pair of chumps.
Clare Balding isn't much better - interviewing the mum of one of our rowers,
her first question on live tv was "Where does he get his  (intensely curly)
hair from?, giggle giggle".
OTOH, Sue Barker has presented very professionally, limiting her comments to
information re the events on screen.

What's annoying me is that the boat teams (who have won three medals)
have had acres of coverage and the shooters (who have won two) have
had blink-and-you'll-miss-it coverage.


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