From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Britain Beefs Up Controls on Firearms
>LONDON (Reuters) - Britain said Wednesday it was tightening
>up firearms controls, including new restrictions on shotguns
>and raising the minimum age for owning a gun to 18.
>       --snip--
>``Our firearms controls are already among the strongest in
>the world, and these new proposals will increase their
>effectiveness,'' Clarke said in a statement.
>Police swiftly hailed the move, as ministers vowed to help
>them beat gun-related crime. Chief Superintendent Peter Gammon,
>president of the Police Superintendents Association, said:
>           ``The number of offences involving firearms has increased.
>Drugs play a part. But what we've seen is a propensity to use
>more weapons.

        rest deleted (gag!)


        So, like, if you are being strangled to death, and the strangler
decides to squeeze even harder, does that mean that you might
live a bit longer?
        Famous quote:
        "Our firearms controls are already among the strongest
in the world, and these new proposals will increase the effectiveness."
        So, if they are among the 'strongest in the world', but you
are still having a problem, what (hint! hint!) should that tell you?
        If, by instituting those controls, you have increased the
criminality and the criminal behavior of the population, does it
necessarily follow that a 'magic' break-over point will happen and
criminal behavior will also 'magically' disappear? Or, will the
realists please stand up and proclaim to the dunce at the head of the
class that what the Brits are experiencing is a classic display of
linear behavior: The cause of the effect is the effect itself -- the law
created the problem, therefor the law _is_ the problem.

        By criminalizing a previously legal behavior, the government
have created a whole new class of criminal. Additionally, having
managed to elevate the possession of firearms from a normal behavior
to that of a glamorous affect among those who would seek to elevate
their status among their peers by possession of them, they have -- in
one fell swoop -- increased the number of unknown arms of all types
beyond imagination of those who would control them.
        If the intent of the law was to minimize the quantity of a
thing, it has failed miserably.
        I can't quite fathom the mind of the politician in denial,
as it seems that no amount of truth will effect a corrective course
in the pattern of thinking. For some reason the term 'lemming' comes
neatly to mind.
        Now, if they would just as neatly go jump off a cliff . . .


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