From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>at least you Brits are civil about such errors.  here in the colonies,
>they just leave.  No notes, no flowers, nothing.  kinda like a real
>cheap date.

        Steve, & Paul,

        Paul, you forgot to mention that they might even shoot
one of the residents in the process, and then be found entirely
innocent of any crime.
        Like here in Washington a few years ago, where a house
was hit with a 'dynamic entry', i.e., a no-knock, rush-in and play
cops'n robbers. A woman was bending over an open oven pulling
out a hot pan with oven mitts on. The cop said something to the
effect (I faintly recall) that it looked like she was reaching for a
weapon. Yeah, an assault baking tin.
        She later died from her wounds.
        Turns out, they had the wrong residence too.

        It's rather interesting that when one of theirs is killed
in the line of work, they have all kinds of ceremonial hoopla; yet
not a thing for the victims, not one bloody thing - not even a
recompense to settle the burial affairs. If it _does_ happen, it is
because the lawyers were getting paid.
        I have a very difficult time of keeping a stiff upper lip,
when crap like that happens.

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.
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But the best one was in New Hampshire I think, where a cop
decided the safest place to keep his Glock was in the oven.

So one day he forgot the gun was there and turned the oven
on.  Talk about cook-offs!

The other one that was hysterical was the guy in Newark who
could not get his car to start because the fuel line was
frozen.  So genius gets a can of gasoline and puts it on
the stove to warm it up and melt the fuel line.  Suffice
to say that was the last mistake he ever made!


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