<<Prior to 1970 it was still illegal to drive a car whilst pissed, it was
harder for the police to randomly stop people. Now Essex police CC  boast
about how many people have their rights infringed every christmas in the
knowledge that it serves no purpose.>>

What particular rights are they, Nick?
I take it that, in your ideal society, there would be total freedom to get
pissed, drive and kill the odd pedestrian?
I wager thee a kings ransom if you saw as much roadkill as I did, then your
mind would be changed!

Anyway, you miss the point by at least a mile. I quoted these laws in order
to show that higher crime figures are as the result of more laws that can be
transgressed and to show how society has evolved over the past 80 odd years.
For no other reason.
I wasnt trying to defend them!
You make an interesting statement, which I personaly believe sums up much of
the angst on the site.

:::::::::::Now the law abiding are penalised and criminal acts punished

In what way are the law abiding penalised, apart from the obvious one of
having our pistols and revolvers taken away?
What constitutes law abiding? Someone never convicted or someone never
In what way are criminal acts punished less than in previous years?

Not trying to light a fire, merely interested in what the perception is.

Drunk driving is an absolute offence, I'm pretty sure, there
is no need to have a finding of mens rea or even a finding of
negligence on the part of the driver.

"Law-abiding" to me is a misnomer because I believe it is
impossible to be absolutely law-abiding.  Everyone breaks
the speed limit or commits other minor offences all the time
without even thinking about it.  There is nothing particularly
endearing about a person who is law-abiding over a criminal
if the criminal is a person convicted of some technical offence.

The key is responsibility, and moral correctness.  To talk
in legal terms a law-abiding person is what I consider
responsible if they commit no offence that is mala en se,
i.e. a crime that is accepted as morally wrong, rather
than mala prohibita, i.e. wrong because it has been prohibited
by law.


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