From:   "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anybody who has heard Maurice Askew speak on hunting and its defence would
not believe this article for one millisecond. That goes for the other CA
leaders as well. Its interesting how the quotes are out of context. We
expect the Guardian to lean to the left but until now I thought they were a
generally serious broadsheet that gave fairly accurate reports (as far as
journalists are capable!). Not anymore it seems.

The way the suprise fuel protest was handled by the Govt and the use of
smear techniques was, in my personal opinion, originally devised to counter
a major protest such as from the CA. We can expect the sirens to sing their
misinformation from now until the March on the 18th but they will be bloody
hoarse for all the effect it will have. Our area already has more coaches
booked than the last time and there's 3 months to go!

Also the Govt smear techniques didn't work on the fuel protestors, polls
recently showed the public were not taken in even though the smears were
very well executed. People simply chose to keep their powder dry. The public
are not keen on either of the parties and they are getting wiser about the
cynicism, arrogance and spin of the current mob. The public are also
realising they can
show their own power. With a number of major issues of concern from
countryside to constitution on peoples minds there is no doubt that massive
marches, used as part of a campaign, will have a profound effect. Lets sock
it to them.

Matthew Wright
I frankly think it doesn't matter.  If you get a million people
in London or even half a million it's pretty clear what the message
is and what a couple of dozen people are saying behind closed doors
is irrelevant.  At that point they represent no-one but themselves.


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