From:   "Tim Jeffreys", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The term we use is 'barrack room lawyer'.
Someone who thinks he knows it all, but can't put it into practise.<

But does that make them wrong? If they have the luxury of being able to sift
through law as it was written and find the original meaning, as opposed to
the way it has been applied (some would say corrupted), is that a bad thing
if it all appears to be going pear-shaped?

All very laudable, but I can also see the other side of the coin...

Unfortunately, I suspect the patches and modifications to law, illegally
placed or otherwise, would take a lifetime to undo even if one had the legal
and financial resources to do so, not withstanding the excellent work of the
likes of Mike Burke, and in the meantime it's business as usual.

So, even if IG had a sudden revelation of libertarian fervour to restore
everybody's freedom to exercise all their rights, unless he was in a very
senior position, I suspect his superiors and the vested interests of the
establishment would very soon restrict his ability to attain any such senior

>Can there be anyone else on this group who is subject to such intense
scrutiny and hatred?

I can think of a few, but it's probably your turn...<G>

Actually, I would hope that the more intemperate comments I have read are
"passionate" debate (even some of the handbag throwing) rather than hatred.

If you make statements that you think gun control is wonderful, with
little to support the assertion, in front of a group of people who
don't think it's wonderful, with libraries full of information that
show it isn't, methinks you are going to be villified somehow!

I have to say quite honestly that I have met people who can argue
with lots of stats and research that gun control is a good thing,
but I can only think of three off the top of my head, one was
American, one was Dutch, and one was Swiss!  I've never met anyone
in this country who can argue statistically that our controls make
sense, even the Home Office RDS and all their resources do pretty
badly at it.  The reason being quite honestly that the bulk of
our controls don't make sense and things like the handgun ban were
based on bigotry, with a flimsy attempt at scientific justification.


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