From:   "pendrous", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By Terry Pendrous,
                                Oh believe me. Naval Bombardment is live and
well, even with much smaller calibre Guns. One just gets a little closer viz
viz Goose Green in the Falklands, We were not too keen on the opposition
dropping the stocks of Napalm on our crowd, that was stocked there.
So----with one 4.5 inch Gun, we made life quite warm for them--all day.
Unfortunately, the latter was a mistake. They didn't take too kindly to our
ministrations, and visited us from the mainland with a Squadron of Naval
Aircraft at the end of the day and stuffed us good. Errr---numerous large
bombs planted on one ship in confined waters tends to ruin ones whole day!!!
The result does not take too much imagination. Sure made the eyes water.
  Oh yes---and the bombs were made in the UK, which made us feel so much
better. Thanks to the mouthy Media present down there, these were all fused
correctly, apart from the first one. Never did find that bastard, but
believe me I could see where it came from and almost where it went, taking
out a switchboard on its way. 440 volts makes an interesting display when it
gets loose.
 So Jerry, by their reactions, they sure believed it was effective. Oh yes,
and the Para's found the offending Napalm after they relieved the defending
team from their duties later. At least it wasn't dropped on them by the
aircraft that were based there!!! The Naval Gun is as I said, alive and
well, but one must never underestimate Aircraft with ordinance. Much was
stated of lessons learn't in that fracas, but the fact was lessons
"relearned". Our US friends recently had an anniversary about that fact on
December the 7th, didn't they? Well nothing has changed. Guns are fine and
worthy of continual use---but Combat Aircraft are still King, especially
when flown by experienced experts, who were!! are worthy of considerable
respect, when put to the test. They flew a long way to get us, and it cost
them dearly, but not half as much as it cost us. Oh yes, and I think they
were so called obsolescent A4's as well. They impressed us, I can tell you.

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