From:   "matthew.wright7", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lorne Gunter wrote: "But guns are symbols of power. They are also, for a lot
of liberals, symbols of masculinity. Many see them as a challenge to the
authority of the state, as symbols of war, as impediments to their visions
of world peace."

This is a very important and true observation but it leaves out an even
bigger and key element that glues the issues together in the liberal-left
mind. That element is that a gun is the most potent example of property
ownership and individual responsibility. It is no suprise that gun control
comes so naturally and passionately to such groups with so many of their
hang-ups wrapped up in the issue. They also detest car ownership and use.

It is for these underlying reasons, and the fact that the liberal-left set
out to become the establishment and has largely succeeded, that the trend of
property control will increase and individual responsibility will continue
to be undermined by the flawed concept of state responsibility. In reality
what happens is that when the state assumes responsibility for something,
responsibility is literally no-ones. Remember the old saying - "when
something is everyones it is no-ones". As more laws on bits of paper are
invented to add to all the others that a growing number of criminals ignore
all Govts do is undermine the law. As the laws do not achieve there desired
effect so the state infringes more on the normally law-abiding. Worse still
they undermine the law-abiding community who increasingly are less inclined
to intervene to help the law.

Blair and Co do instinctively think in the flawed liberal-left manner
described and so do their backbenchers and they will lead this country up a
dead end. In my view any fight to save shooting, fieldsports and many other
things depends on a bigger fight loosely conceptualised as a fight for the
politics of realism.  The liberal-left ends up trying to control more and
more things when their idealistic goals fail because they are not grounded
in human reality. Its also the case that while they may have seemingly moved
away from economic intervention, they are making up for it by social
intervention. A sort of nationalisation of people, they even talked about
"the people" as if they were a union block vote at Labours disposal.

Lorne Gunters article was very interesting and It wasn't my intention to get
political but I think we need to understand what motivates certain political
trends so they can be countered.


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